T’NT to the Republic Being Destroyed
from Within and Without
[Click here for latest update(s), 4 Aug–8 Sep ’08]
[Click here for newest update(s), 22 Nov ’07–4 July ’08]
[Click here for recent update(s), 27 July–28 Sep ’07]
[Click here for earlier update(s), 24 May–10 June ’07]
(First Part Originally Written on 19 May 2007,
and Added to on 4 May and 1 June 2008)
By S. Wolf Britain
And Now The Apocalypse!
[Copyright (c) 2007-2012 in the U.S.A.
and Internationally by And Now The
Apocalypse! (wolfbritain.com),
and/or S. Wolf Britain.
All rights reserved.]
When the wanna-be Napoleonic, absolutely-despotic “dictator” and totally tyrannical and treasonous President of the United States, George W. Bush, signed the “Military Commissions Act of 2006” and the “John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007” on October 17th, 2006, effectively signing away all of the rights delineated in the first ten Amendments of U.S. Constitution known as “The Bill of Rights”, throwing away that which distinguished the U.S. from the rest of the world in protected liberties and freedoms that would have very likely been unheard of in the entire world if it hadn’t been for their beacon of “unalienable rights”, I admit that I was so overwhelmed with dismay and a defeatist attitude, I allowed myself to be rendered almost completely unable to function for these past several months. I still find it difficult to even go on automatically breathing, so disheartening is the level of my consternation over this extremely threatening turn of events.
What is just as dispiriting, if not more so, is that most “Americans” aren’t even aware of, or couldn’t care less about, the dire danger that this “state of the nation” puts ALL of us under. In fact, such is the extremity of their ignorance on this state of affairs, that one is obliged to agree with what has been said recently of this completely perilous and disconcerting situation that, unless these circumstances are immediately and thoroughly remedied, it is “the end of the republic” of the United States. This, very unfortunately, is absolutely no exaggeration whatsoever, and that is just how life-threateningly dangerous this predicament is. For, if enough—and we’re talking about most—Americans don’t wake up completely to the extreme degree of danger that we as a country and people are presently in the throes of, and stand en-masse against it, we are about to head into such a period of darkness, mass-imprisonment and mass-murder, right within our own borders, that an ostensibly “free” country has never before seen in the whole history of this planet.
The two “laws” named above, and others such as the “USA P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act”, the “Homeland Security Act”, and countless “Executive Orders” and/or “Presidential Directives” signed by several Presidents which synergistically reveal the level of their tyranny, treason and threat to all freedom and liberty in the United States and the rest of the world, grant the U.S. government the so-called “power” and “authority” to declare anyone and everyone, including U.S. citizens, “unlawful enemy combatants” and to imprison, torture and murder them for simply exercising “free speech”, criticizing the U.S. government and/or its allies, carrying out protest or dissent, seeking redress of grievances from the government, and/or demanding curtailment of the government’s own excesses, such as those delineated herein, including for simply writing and publishing this very article, all without anything but “kangaroo” or “sham” due process of law “protections”. (More on Presidential Directives and/or Executive Orders via the “FEMA link” below.)
It is of course claimed, and is completely false, that the “Military Commissions Act” supposedly doesn’t apply to American citizens; but this “law” grants the U.S. government the so-called “license” to immediately and arbitrarily suspend or remove U.S. citizenship, thereby enabling them to also declare U.S. citizens “enemy combatants”.
The very name of the related “U.S.A. Patriot Act” itself, is meant to imply, convey and convince that those who fulfill their duty(ies) as True American Patriots to question and/or dissent against its totally unConstitutional restrictions are supposedly “unpatriotic”, and/or “traitors” to the United States, and those who support and defend it and its Constitution-, Bill of Rights-, Liberty-, and freedom- destroying mandates are supposedly “patriots”, “patriotic” and/or the “true defenders and protectors” of the U.S., and the only ‘true’ “patriots”, “patriotic Americans” and/or “true defenders and protectors” of the U.S., though ALL of this is also COMPLETELY false; and, in actuality, it is the exact opposite that is the Real Truth!
ALL “laws” like the “Patriot Act” are further meant to instill fear, to terrorize or terrify, and/or to instill concern that if we don’t blindly and unreservedly support, defend, bow down to, AND OBEY all of the unConstitutional “laws” spoken of in this article, we may be called “unpatriotic” and possibly, if not very likely, suffer the consequences also spoken of herein, so most people will surrender their freedoms to it; but, nevertheless, we must NOT succumb to that fear, terrorism and/or concern, and we must fulfill our True American Patriotic DUTY(IES) to stand up against ALL of the freedom-destroying, true U.S. government terrorism, and repressive and/or oppressive content of ALL, and NOT IN ANY WAY(S) WHATSOEVER yield any of our freedoms to, or bow down to ANY, of these completely unConstitutional, absolutely despotic, tyrannical, traitorous, and treasonous “laws”! For, to in ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM bow down, and/or capitulate, to such entirely “anti-freedom laws” WOULD truly make us unpatriotic and traitors, to the United States and to the whole world!
On top of all this, and parallel to it, other “rules of law” have been enacted, and appropriations “authorized”, much if not most of it stealthily and in relative secrecy from most of the American people, to build hundreds of “concentration” or “internment” camps, that either have already been, and/or are presently being, constructed in every single state in the U.S., having been carried out since the 1980s in the “REX84”, “Continuity of Government” initiative(s), overseen then by former-Colonel Oliver North, and since then involving the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
In January of 2006, even the mainstream media (MSM) pointed out that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) approved and allocated three hundred and eighty million more dollars ($380M), granted in a contract to Vice President Cheney’s company, KBR-Halliburton, to build even more such “camps” all over the nation. (For excellent analysis of this MSM announcement, see this article, “Homeland Security Contracts for Vast New Detention Camps”. And for even more in-depth detail(s) on this subject, see these articles, “Bush’s Mysterious ‘New Programs'”, and “Gulags For American Citizens In Final Planning Stages”.)
George Orwell (aka Eric Blair), in his dystopian, prescient novel “1984”, presented the evil police state motto, “freedom is slavery” (where obviously, the reverse is also inferred, ‘slavery is freedom’), and this is what the American people, and the people of the rest of the world, are being prepared for in being led to believe that setting up a “communist-fascist” style police and prison state in the U.S. and all over the globe, and locking up, torturing and murdering those who stand up for true liberty, is supposedly “freedom”.
The foregoing is classic “double-think” and/or “double-speak”. “Freedom is (supposedly) slavery”, slavery is freedom, “war is peace”, peace is war, “ignorance is strength”, strength is ignorance, up is down, down is up, black is white, white is black, right is left, left is right, wrong is right, right is wrong, lies are truth, truth is lies, etc. Many if not most “Americans” and others often hold such opposite thoughts, and sometimes speak them, at the same time, as well as hold opposing beliefs like “we (supposedly) have to give up our (civil) liberties for freedom”, when we cannot have true freedom without a complete honoring of civil liberties. It is lies like the former, while indoctrinating and conditioning us to believe that they are supposedly the truth, which lead to our enslavement that we must NEVER accept.
All of these “laws”, actions and attitudes, completely unconstitutional and anti-freedom as they are, along with others also totally unconstitutional that are no doubt yet to come, such as “hate (thought and speech) crime law(s)”, and “law(s)” eradicating our sovereignty and borders allowing our country to be taken over by foreign citizens, already and/or about to be enacted, not only make the U.S. Presidency completely treasonous and tyrannical, but also make almost the entire, if not the entire, U.S. Congress completely tyrannical and treasonous for their complicity in passing the legislation which led to their “ratification” and signing into “law” in the first place.
As a direct result of all of this, it can again rightly be said, without any inaccuracy or overstating whatsoever, that this country, the United States of America, is under such grave threat(s) right now that its very existence, and the safety of each and every one of its citizens, is in critical danger, all or mostly from their own government. That is truly how precipitous this entire predicament is.
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INVISIBLE EMPIRE: A New World Order Defined, by Jason Bermas
A New World Order Defined
“Yet another excellent documentary, this
one proves that the ‘New World Order (NWO)’
does indeed exist and that it has nothing but
extremely evil plans for all of humankind the
world-over, through globalism, eradicating all
True Freedom(s), and enslaving the entire
planet under one-world government”
VERY important that you watch now!
(View for FREE below)
Posted on 4 November 2010
by S. Wolf Britain
“And Now The Apocalypse!”
[Copyright (c) 2010-2012 in the U.S.A.
and Internationally by
Jason Bermas and “Alex Jones Productions”,
“InfoWars.com: Because There Is A War On
For Your Mind (And Soul)”, and
All rights reserved.]
Proof of the FEMA concentration camps
all over the U.S., in every state
including Alaska and Hawaii:
Now please watch next video, below….
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