Please come join the site, Care2.com, and my Care2 Group, “Fans of Kurt Nimmo’s ‘Another Day in the Empire (Life in Neoconservative America)’ Blog”, at: http://www.care2.com/c2c/group/kurtnimmo .
Kurt Nimmo is a very prolific blogger, independent journalist, writer, photographer, multimedia artist, and web designer residing in New Mexico, USA, who tells it like it is about what’s really going on in the U.S. and the world today. He writes great articles for his above-named blog on virtually a daily basis, which can be accessed via this link, Another Day in the Empire [ http://www.kurtnimmo.com/ ] (that will open in a new window), and/or by clicking on the link to his blog under the “From the Web” heading in the group (that will open in the same window).
A little background on Care2.com: Care2.com, and its sister site, ThePetitionSite.com, are two great websites for the promotion and support of causes, and to take action on issues of importance, effecting millions of lives the world-over, in today’s highly charged, deeply effected world-society, and is a great place to gather with like-minded people to take action on and support such causes and issues of importance; so Care2.com is well-worth joining and being an integral part of.
As the host of the above-referenced group on Care2.com, I request that members please check out Kurt Nimmo’s blog, read at least one article regularly or every so often, and comment on it in order to begin a discussion of his articles in the group. His articles are well worth reading and discussing, and the group would also be a very good forum for commenting on them since Kurt had to shut down the comments section on the blog.
So please join Care2.com and this group in contributing to the discussion of the current political issues very-seriously effecting “Americans” and the rest of the world, which Kurt’s blog, “Another Day in the Empire”, so adroitly and accurately addresses; and, if you join, thank you in advance for being a contributing part of the group and Care2.com. Also, please pass around the existence of the group and invite Care2 members to join, and/or invite non-Care2 members to join Care2 and then to join.
A very good place to start reading Kurt’s articles, other than his latest, and what I consider to be two of his best articles that represent a very good summary of some of the most important issues effecting both the U.S. and the world right now, is with the following two articles and the links to them on my Bloglines blog (both opening in new windows):
Syria, al-Qaeda in Iraq, and Big Lies in Bushzarro World [ http://www.bloglines.com/preview? siteid=2867473&itemid=39 ]
The Death of a Constitutional Republic [ http://www.bloglines.com/preview? siteid=2867473&itemid=38 ]
I recommend reading these two articles, or at least the one of the two of them that you most prefer to read, and letting us know what your responses are by commenting about it in the group. (Links to both of these articles are also found in the second feed under the “From the Web” heading, and the first “And Now The Apocalypse” feed, in the group.)
But, WOW, also check out Kurt’s latest articles, particularly the four (4) he wrote and posted on Friday, 18 November 2005, some of the most powerful and right-on that he has ever written; they’ll blow your socks off! Thanks again for actively participating as much as you are able to do. Once more, the link to the group is, “Fans of Kurt Nimmo’s ‘Another Day in the Empire (Life in Neoconservative America)’ Blog”, at: http://www.care2.com/c2c/group/kurtnimmo .
About Wolf
Equal, Human, Civil, Legal, and Liberty Rights Advocate; Independent Legal Assistant, Troubleshooter and/or Whistleblower; Personal Computer Specialist; Blogger / Blogmaster; Webmaster; Writer; and Poet; Sui Juris / Pro Esse Suo / Pro Se (meaning that I ONLY represent myself as best I can; that I do NOT practice law or medicine without a license; and that I do not give medical or legal advice, which should be obtained from licensed legal and/or medical professionals).
Also a bonafide member in good standing of the National Lawyers Guild (NLG) [as a fully physically disabled former legal worker]; of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU); and of Amnesty International (AI).
Please come join the site, Care2.com, and my Care2 Group, “Fans of Kurt Nimmo’s ‘Another Day in the Empire (Life in Neoconservative America)’ Blog”, at: http://www.care2.com/c2c/group/kurtnimmo .
Kurt Nimmo is a very prolific blogger, independent journalist, writer, photographer, multimedia artist, and web designer residing in New Mexico, USA, who tells it like it is about what’s really going on in the U.S. and the world today. He writes great articles for his above-named blog on virtually a daily basis, which can be accessed via this link, Another Day in the Empire [ http://www.kurtnimmo.com/ ] (that will open in a new window), and/or by clicking on the link to his blog under the “From the Web” heading in the group (that will open in the same window).
A little background on Care2.com: Care2.com, and its sister site, ThePetitionSite.com, are two great websites for the promotion and support of causes, and to take action on issues of importance, effecting millions of lives the world-over, in today’s highly charged, deeply effected world-society, and is a great place to gather with like-minded people to take action on and support such causes and issues of importance; so Care2.com is well-worth joining and being an integral part of.
As the host of the above-referenced group on Care2.com, I request that members please check out Kurt Nimmo’s blog, read at least one article regularly or every so often, and comment on it in order to begin a discussion of his articles in the group. His articles are well worth reading and discussing, and the group would also be a very good forum for commenting on them since Kurt had to shut down the comments section on the blog.
So please join Care2.com and this group in contributing to the discussion of the current political issues very-seriously effecting “Americans” and the rest of the world, which Kurt’s blog, “Another Day in the Empire”, so adroitly and accurately addresses; and, if you join, thank you in advance for being a contributing part of the group and Care2.com. Also, please pass around the existence of the group and invite Care2 members to join, and/or invite non-Care2 members to join Care2 and then to join.
A very good place to start reading Kurt’s articles, other than his latest, and what I consider to be two of his best articles that represent a very good summary of some of the most important issues effecting both the U.S. and the world right now, is with the following two articles and the links to them on my Bloglines blog (both opening in new windows):
Syria, al-Qaeda in Iraq, and Big Lies in Bushzarro World [ http://www.bloglines.com/preview? siteid=2867473&itemid=39 ]
The Death of a Constitutional Republic [ http://www.bloglines.com/preview? siteid=2867473&itemid=38 ]
I recommend reading these two articles, or at least the one of the two of them that you most prefer to read, and letting us know what your responses are by commenting about it in the group. (Links to both of these articles are also found in the second feed under the “From the Web” heading, and the first “And Now The Apocalypse” feed, in the group.)
But, WOW, also check out Kurt’s latest articles, particularly the four (4) he wrote and posted on Friday, 18 November 2005, some of the most powerful and right-on that he has ever written; they’ll blow your socks off! Thanks again for actively participating as much as you are able to do. Once more, the link to the group is, “Fans of Kurt Nimmo’s ‘Another Day in the Empire (Life in Neoconservative America)’ Blog”, at: http://www.care2.com/c2c/group/kurtnimmo .
About Wolf
Equal, Human, Civil, Legal, and Liberty Rights Advocate; Independent Legal Assistant, Troubleshooter and/or Whistleblower; Personal Computer Specialist; Blogger / Blogmaster; Webmaster; Writer; and Poet; Sui Juris / Pro Esse Suo / Pro Se (meaning that I ONLY represent myself as best I can; that I do NOT practice law or medicine without a license; and that I do not give medical or legal advice, which should be obtained from licensed legal and/or medical professionals). Also a bonafide member in good standing of the National Lawyers Guild (NLG) [as a fully physically disabled former legal worker]; of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU); and of Amnesty International (AI).