Daily Archives: August 7, 2006

C-SPAN FIRESTORM: 9/11 Truth Symposium Gains Momentum, by Paul Joseph Watson

  C-Span Firestorm: 9/11 Truth SymposiumGains MomentumScholars symposium to re-air again on Tuesday Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Planet.com | July 31 2006 Judging by the reaction on the web to C-Span’s airing of the American Scholars Symposium, the 9/11 truth movement … Continue reading

Posted in "Absolute Despotism", "al Q'aeda", "al-CIA-duh", "Counter-Terrorism", "Endless War", "New Pearl Harbor", "Terrorism", "Terrorists", "The Long War", "War Against Terrorism", 9-11, 9/11, 9/11 Truth, 9/11 Truth Movement, 9/11 Truth Symposium, 911Truth, Abrogation of the Constitution, Absolute Control, Alex, Alex Jones, Authoritarianism, Black Projects, Black-Ops, Blog, C-Span, Civil Liberties, Civil Rights, Constitutional Rights, Constitutional Violations, Corporate Fascism, Cover-Up, Crimes Against Humanity, Declaration of Independence, Despots, Destruction of Freedom, Destruction of the Bill of Rights, Dissent, Domestic Internment Camps, Domestic Spying, Duties, Duty to Dissent, False Nationalism, False Patriotism, False-Flag Terrorism, Fascism, Firestorm, Freedom of Belief, Freedom of Expression, Freedom of Speech, Gains, Genocide, High Crimes, Human Rights, Impeachable Offenses, Impeachment, InfoWars.com, Inside Job, Jones, Lawful Self-Defense, Legal Resistance, Legitimate Resistance, Martial Law, Mass Imprisonment, Mass-Murder, Mass-Murderers, Massacres, Momentum, Monitoring, Movement, Neo-Conservatism, Neo-Fascism, NeoCons, Nine Eleven, Non-Violence, Non-Violence IS Patriotic, Non-Violent Protests, Non-Violent Resistance, Panopticon, Patriots for Peace, Paul Joseph Watson, Peace IS Patriotic, Peaceful Protests, Police State, PrisonPlanet.com, PropagandaMatrix.com, Protest, Protest Marches, Protesting, Reality, Rights, Rights of Dissent, Rights of Protest, Rights to Seek Redress of Grievances, Seeking Freedom from War IS Patriotic, Separation of Church and State, September 11th, Shadow Government, Steve Watson, Subjugation, Suspension of Civil Liberties, Suspension of Habeas Corpus, Symposium, Technorati, Theocracy, Theocratic Despotism, Theocratic Tyranny, Think--It's Patriotic, Top Secret Prisons, Torture, Totalitarianism, True, Political, Commentary, Truth, Truth Movement, Tyranny, Tyrants, U.S. Bill of Rights, U.S. Declaration of Independence, U.S. Government Criminality, U.S. Government Criminals, U.S. Government Terrorism, U.S. Government War Crimes, U.S.-Government-Sponsored Terrorism, United States Constitution, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Violations of Civil Liberties, War Crimes, War is NOT the Answer, Weblog, Zionism, Zionists | Leave a comment